My Story

24 years old and unemployed in the midst of a pandemic. I had applied to hundreds of jobs and still came up empty. I graduated in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, minoring in Chemistry and Psychology. I have been lost ever since graduating, trying to find my passion. I wanted to be able to help people in some compacity. So what better way to help people than by trying to spread awareness of the mental health pandemic. We all know someone who is or has been affected in some way by mental illness.

When Coronavirus hit I left my job in healthcare due to COVID related reasons and my current situation. Being in quarantine brought me to new lows. I was crying constantly and could feel myself losing hope. It all started to turn around when I began working out (home workouts of course), it started to bring me back to my old self again. Truth be told I was struggling but my boyfriend was the true inspiration for my brand. My boyfriend has been given battles that he didn't ask for but God chose him to fight these battles because he is stronger than most. Everyday he deals with anxiety and panic disorder I wanted to be able to create a brand for him, that combined my passion of fitness and mental health. I wanted him to know and feel that he is not alone and we can fight this battle together. Everyone of us.

RealAwear is here to help put an end to the stigma while looking good doing it. Physical strength is something everybody lusts over but mental strength is what we need. Don't aspire to be only physically tough, aspire to be mentally tough as well because Together We Are Tough.